We call on Alameda County to partner with directly-impacted youth, their families, and community organizations to design and deliver a completely reimagined system that puts the care and wellbeing of young people first, and that creates real accountability on all sides. We believe that the County can do this, and create a plan that is fiscally efficient and equitable, and that transitions the system away from a law enforcement punishment-based response to children. Moreover, we believe a reimagined system must
Build the capacity of community-based organizations to serve young people outside the current justice system;
Result in a significant reduction in the number of young people who are in contact with
the justice system; -
Explore a rehabilitative, health-focused, and care-first model of youth justice that is
meaningfully different in operations and outcomes from the current system; and -
Prevent the prosecution and incarceration of children in the adult system.
Check out our fact sheet and extended proposal for more details.